to StudentsPreneur the home of future CEO's, who we develop one lesson at a time through our online course.

These young entrepreneurs have started business of their own, click the
Learn More button to see what a StudentsPreneur can be capable of.

Online Entrepreneurship course
for students age 7 to 18 years of age
This course is available for Private, Charter and Public Schools
Learning Centers, and Seasonal Educational Camps.
Students will learn from actual
business owner and entrepreneurs
This is no better teacher than someone who has actually built a business, is an entrepreneur and can teach our students from experience.
Our Core Entrepreneur
and Business Course
Entrepreneur and business course designed for kids
Our entrepreneur and business course is specifically designed to cater to the needs of students who aspire to become successful entrepreneurs in the future.
The course provides a comprehensive understanding of various business concepts and strategies, empowering students to develop their entrepreneurial skills and mindset. Through interactive modules, students learn about the fundamentals of business planning, marketing, financial management, and effective communication.

Flexibility of online learning
The flexibility of online learning allows students to study
at their own pace, enabling them to balance their academic
commitments alongside their entrepreneurial aspirations. Additionally, this course often includes case studies and real-life examples to help students apply their knowledge to practical scenarios.
By equipping young students with the necessary knowledge and skills, this online course aims to foster a new generation of innovative and enterprising individuals ready to navigate the challenges of the business world.

Pitch Competition and Enterprise Work Opportunities Advantage
Students may be eligible to enter pitch competitions where they may qualify to receive funding for their business idea and qualify for funds to pay for incorporating a business. Enterprise work opportunities may also be available for those students that complete the course and qualify.
Concentration courses available in innovative & evolving technologies

Our concentration courses are add-on courses that are available after completion of the core course. These courses delve into how to be an entrepreneur in innovative and developing technologies and traditional economic areas. Completion of the core course is required.
Entrepreneurship for Web 3
Entrepreneurship for the Metaverse
Entrepreneurship for AI
Entrepreneurship for Urban Art
Entrepreneurship for Real Estate
Your child will
stand out!
Students earn a StudentsPreneur
Entrepreneurship and Business Certificate